Two weeks ago, I went to speak about Scala at the Java2Days conference in Sofia, Bulgaria. This was the 5th edition of the conference, and my first time there. A small group of speakers (to the extent of my knowledge, Josh Long, John Willis and Andrew Lombardi) has been flying overseas every year to attend the conference since it’s first edition. Why, you ask? After having been there, I too know why: it’s a really nice conference!

Conference logos (Java2Days, Mobile2Days, Cloud2Days

Some of the nice things, in random order:

  • a really active and interested audience, asking a lot of questions
  • interesting talks
  • cool bean-bags everywhere to jump into, relax, and code
  • really nice and helpful organisers
  • rakia (and if you don’t want rakia, you can always try and order something else)

Lukas Eder getting many questions after his JOOQ talk

One of the talks I found most interesting (as well as others, see the picture below) was Lukas Eder’s talk on JOOQ, a type-safe library for database interaction in Java that looks really promising.

Wish I had one like these at home!

I’m really looking forward to the next edition of the conference!

And, before I forget, here’s my introductory talk to Scala: