2024-05-16 On Azure
2024-03-07 Migrating from Kubernetes to Google Cloud Run with terraform
2024-01-26 Fearless concurrency with Rust, cats, and a few Raspberry PIs
2024-01-12 Building a cat litter box reminder with Rust
2023-11-16 On pinning and isolating CPU cores
2022-11-04 Rust Development for the Raspberry Pi on Apple Silicon
2022-08-11 Switching to Hugo after 17 years of WordPress
2021-10-12 Programming Languages
2021-04-25 Tour of Temporal: Performance
2021-04-12 Tour of Temporal: Welcome to the Workflow
2020-04-30 10000 nodes and beyond with Akka Cluster and Rapid
2019-12-03 Tour of Akka Typed: Cluster Singleton and Routers
2019-11-09 Tour of Akka Typed: Cluster Sharding
2019-10-28 One step closer: exploiting locality in Akka Cluster based systems
2019-10-07 Tour of Akka Typed: Event Sourcing
2019-09-05 Tour of Akka Typed: supervision and signals
2019-08-07 Tour of Akka Typed: Message Adapters, Ask Pattern and Actor Discovery
2019-07-11 Tour of Akka Typed: Protocols and Behaviors
2019-06-17 Optimizing CI build times for Scala projects
2019-06-07 Why I’m still using a MacBook Pro Late 2013 in 2019
2019-05-02 Raspberry PI Akka Cluster LED strips
2018-08-06 Akka anti-patterns: too many actors
2018-07-20 Akka anti-patterns: Java serialization
2018-05-30 Akka anti-patterns: stateless actors
2018-04-19 A quick tour of build tools in Scala
2018-03-23 Tour of Akka Cluster – Testing with the multi-node-testkit and a handful Raspberry PIs
2018-03-20 Akka anti-patterns: overusing ActorSelection
2018-02-26 Tour of Akka Cluster – Cluster Sharding
2018-01-31 Tour of Akka Cluster – Eventual consistency, persistent actors, message delivery semantics
2018-01-03 Tour of Akka Cluster – Akka Distributed Data
2017-08-26 Akka anti-patterns: naming your application components after Akka concepts
2017-07-26 A new adaptive accrual failure detector for Akka
2017-06-20 Akka anti-patterns: trusting the network
2017-06-08 Akka anti-patterns: using remoting
2017-06-05 Tour de Lagom Part 1: Lagom and microservices
2017-05-22 Akka Streams – What is NotUsed all about
2017-05-15 Akka anti-patterns: blocking
2017-04-10 IntelliJ IDEA OS X Shortcuts on Ubuntu Gnome
2016-11-21 Akka anti-patterns: being out of touch with the hardware
2016-08-31 Akka anti-patterns: logging (the wrong way)
2016-08-23 Akka anti-patterns: too many actor systems
2016-08-16 Akka anti-patterns: race conditions
2016-08-09 Akka anti-patterns: flat actor hierarchies or mixing business logic and failure handling
2016-08-02 Akka anti-patterns: shared mutable state
2016-07-15 The reality of writing a technical book
2016-06-14 The microservices marathon
2016-04-19 Akka Cluster, Java and the Raspberry PI 3 Model B
2016-03-07 The one Play Framework productivity tip you should know about
2016-02-25 Upgrading from React 0.11.2 to 0.14.7 in 374 easy steps
2015-11-13 5 years of Scala and counting – debunking some myths about the language and its environment
2015-11-06 A quick tour of JSON libraries in Scala
2015-05-27 The Art of Meaningful Programming
2015-01-27 Reactive Play
2014-12-30 Generation Javascript
2014-04-23 A handful Akka techniques
2014-02-04 A quick tour of relational database access with Scala
2013-12-21 Java2Days Sofia 2013
2013-11-16 Tips & tricks for setting up a Play 2 project
2013-10-26 Reactive Golf or Iteratees and all that stuff in practice, part 3
2013-10-24 Java Klassentreffen 2013: Scala Introduction slides
2013-10-21 Reactive Golf or Iteratees and all that stuff in practice, part 2
2013-10-17 Reactive Golf or Iteratees and all that stuff in practice, part 1
2013-09-20 Scala with SublimeText
2013-08-01 How to read the Play session from AngularJS
2013-07-28 The case for document-oriented databases
2013-07-08 CRUD trait for Slick models in the Play! framework
2013-06-14 Quickly open errors in your IDE when developing Play applications
2013-06-04 How to disable the Shift + F10 “slow motion” animation on OS X and reclaim the keyboard shortcut
2013-06-03 Java impressions after 2 years of abstinence
2013-04-09 Dynamic multi-modular SBT project
2013-03-26 Multi-modular development with Play 2.1
2012-10-26 Activating logging in test mode in Play 2.0.x
2011-11-18 MongoDB-based Cache for Play 1.2.x and Play-Scala
2011-11-01 Writing custom de/serializers for Jerkson
2011-09-16 Play! Scala and JSON
2011-03-23 Selenium IDE plugin for the Play! framework
2011-02-11 Information Retrieval
2010-12-15 Deploying a GWT application as OSGi module with Apache Karaf and Maven
2010-09-08 Debugging ANT tasks in IntelliJ IDEA