New CV
Have you ever written a CV as part of a lecture at university (yes, in France, there are such lectures), a seminar for young graduates, or have you ever gotten feedback from the professionals in the branch?
I did. It always ended up with some frustration - all the small pieces of creativity would get marked in red as “too unusual”, and in the end my CV (the one through which I got into my current job last year) looked very standard (or as some may say, professional).
Last week, I finally quit my full-time job (this will be effective by the end of September). The main reason is that I can’t keep up with the slow pace and the lack of meaning (see my last post on the topic). Now, I am looking for a part-time job that will help me pay my bills.
That’s when I decided to do this (many thanks to all of you who gave me precious feedback):

So I’m not saying that you have to climb up to Preikestolen and shoot a cool photo to use it as background for your CV (that is, if you have time, it’s worth going there - unless if you have vertigo, as the cliff behind me goes down 600 m straight). In fact, I believe that using your own creativity or “sense of self” is the key to making a CV that will get you a job that fits (or at least, the first step to it).